Today, we are completing two weeks in Casa Nova, Bahia. You have been praying about this move for months and the Lord gave us a safe, quick, and uneventful trip. The small moving truck made two 1800 kilometer trips to take all our belongings to the rental. Now, we are busy painting and repairing the house and getting settled.
It has been a bit of a culture shock to go from a city of almost 3 million to a little, interior town of about 15,000. Our options have suddenly been considerably limited. One very important one is internet access. Options we thought would be available, are not. Others are too costly. We are still looking. In the meantime, we have been able to tap into someone within wireless distance that gets on from time to time. Would you pray for resolution to this need?
Our farewell at Light of the World Baptist took place on January 1. The next week, the church was welcoming the new administrative pastor. This past week, 10 new members were added. We are so pleased to see God’s preparation in moving us on at just the right time.
God is at work around the world. It’s encouraging to observe His work in the Casa Nova region. Thank you for your continued prayers.
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