Christmas Greetings

“But you, Bethlehem, Ephrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth to Me the One to be Ruler in Israel, whose goings forth are from of old, from everlasting.” Micah 5:2

Insignificance: not worth considering, unimportant; lacking weight, position, or influence.

Bethlehem certainly seemed to fit the definition, as did the poor, unknown couple that desperately sought refuge that night for the birth of our Savior. And what could be of less significance than a stable for the birthplace of the Ruler of Israel? That’s often how God works---through the insignificant.

There are times that as missionaries, we get a bit discouraged, feeling that our work is just that, insignificant. But the work isn’t about what we are doing or how we are feeling regarding the results. It has everything to do with what or who God chooses to use to accomplish His purpose.

We are in the process of buying a 10 meter by 20 meter lot (2100 sq. ft.) in the neighborhood of the congregation, next to the local dump. We hope to use this little lot to be more involved with the people in their day to day lives. They are the poor, the manual laborers, the down and outers of this small, interior town. What God will do with this small lot is up to Him. Our prayer and desire for the coming 2013 year is that as we share the message of the Savior with the people of the New Horizon neighborhood, they will not consider the message as unimportant.

You may feel that your part in the ministry here in Brazil is insignificant. But God uses your prayers, support, and interest as He chooses and through it we are greatly blessed and cared for to continue the work.

The Christmas season provides opportunity to reflect on the significance of Christ’s birth. How we rejoice that we can call the everlasting Savior our own! How we desire that many more will be able to do the same.

May the Lord bless you and your loved ones, your gatherings, your church programs, and your moments of meditation on our Savior.

Gratefully yours,

Bruce and Carol Dennis
Baptist Mid-Missions, Northeast Brazil
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Ocean reflection

Recently, we returned from ten days in Fortaleza where we participated in two church retreats and did further work on our home while the renters are traveling. The second retreat was for the youth group from Casa Nova, where we presently live. Most of them were seeing the beautiful Atlantic Ocean for the first time.

For more than an hour, the junior high boys were having a great time getting knocked around by the waves. I marveled at their stamina to keep getting up after the waves would send them tumbling head over heels. They laughed and jumped right back in. A couple of verses came to mind. James 1:2-3 states: “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.” When difficulties come into my life, like waves that knock me down, I don’t know that my response is that of the boys to jump up and get right back in there to be knocked down again, nor to get up with such joy. But that is the command. I was convicted and grateful for the Lord to remind me of that through those boys.

As the school year and church activities wind down here in Brazil and people prepare for their two months of summer vacation, attendance at the remaining church programs drops off considerably. We have been making extra visits in the New Horizons neighborhood, reminding children and adults that the Sunday afternoon Bible class will continue. Pray that they will desire to come hear God’s Word.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

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Family Time

November 2, 2012

It was our immense pleasure to be able to fly to the states to take part in the wedding of our youngest son. Bob & Haley were married on September 22, 2012 not far from Santa Clarita, California where they are presently living and working.

While there for three short weeks, we were able to see Bruce's dad for several days, spend a week with Carol's parents in the Seattle area, and have contact with all our children except our son-in-law, Jared, who teaches. We especially enjoyed our granddaughter, Makayla, and talking with Rick & Esther about the upcoming birth of their first son in early January. Grandparenting is the best!

We couldn't pass up the opportunity to have a four generation photo, and a family photo with the lovely bride and groom.

We're back to work in Casa Nova, and thankful to the Lord to be able to serve Him in Brazil.

Gratefully yours,

Bruce & Carol

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Activities of July, 2012

Casa Nova, July 12

Several weeks have gone into planning a Soccer Camp for the New Horizon neighborhood boys. It was our desire to reach new ones and also to challenge those who have already heard the gospel many times. Thirty boys, ages 10 -16, had a time of soccer activities, refreshments, and Bible study with Seminarian Elton during the past week. The final day, three adolescents stood in front, showing their response to an invitation of salvation. We praise God for their courage and ask you to pray for them to be strong in the Lord.

Our burden is for the people of the New Horizon neighborhood to be saved. Please pray for their salvation. Bruce has been working on several small construction projects at the congregation site. Finding available, reliable masons or helpers has turned out to be a larger issue than we expected in this interior town.

God graciously gives us life for the days He has planned for us. That was made more evident recently when Carol needed emergency surgery for appendicitis after a few weeks of feeling poorly. Going through the whole procedure was an experience in patience and trust in the Lord. Recuperation had a couple of setbacks, but we’re aiming for a return to normal activities in the next couple of months.

At the same time, God has chosen to take home to Himself a few dear supporters and family members these past few months. A very special aunt, a favorite uncle, and a long time supporter from our earliest short-term ministry in 1993, are all in God’s presence today. We are grateful for their part in our lives. What we will miss most from them is their prayers. Would you be willing to pray just a few minutes more for the work here in Brazil?

Our immediate family is experiencing growth. Our granddaughter, Makayla, completed four months of life. Her parents, Jared and Katy, continue to do well ministering at Clearwater Christian College in Florida. Rick and Esther announced their anticipation of a first child in early January. And Bobby plans to wed on September 22 to Haley Bolena in the north L.A. area. We plan to travel for the wedding and spend three short weeks with family. We thank the Lord for making such a trip possible. Even though support is down, we have been enjoying a very strong dollar for a few months, which allows us to economize.

Bruce will be teaching on Tuesday nights at the Bible Institute during the next three months. Pray for his preparation and communication to these 30 church members who are working toward basic Bible training in practical theology.

As always, we are grateful to you for your prayers, interest, and faithful support.

Bruce and Carol

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An emergency appendectomy...

So thankful for a wonderful husband to take care of me after emergency conventional appendectomy last Tuesday.

I'm home now in Casa Nova, Bahia, so glad to be in my own bed. It will be a month of recovery, so says the Doctor.

Wow, had some real low moments but thank God for His faithfulness. Thank you to all of you who have prayed and sent well-wishes.

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Settling in to the work

April 26, 2012

This region of northeast Brazil was featured on national news tonight because of severe drought conditions. In the city of Casa Nova, there is water and food available. But for those who live in the small communities and outlying areas, they have lost their crops for this year and much of their livestock has been sacrificed for lack of food and water. What makes it seem so ironic is that the largest manmade lake in all of South America is right here, available for the few farms that have installed irrigation. It would be similar to living in the San Joaquin Valley of California without having the aqueduct and other irrigation supplies available. Many ask prayer for rain but the usual months for precipitation are coming to an end.

I thought of how it can be compared to their spiritual needs. They are spiritually dying and suffering because of sin. The remedy is available to them but they don’t have the interest or the notion of how to be saved from their predicament. Opportunities for us to minister abound.

We are completing four months in Casa Nova. Honestly, it’s taken longer to get settled than we had anticipated. We are still finishing some repairs and painting to the house we’ve rented. Learning what items are available in Casa Nova, or must be purchased in Petrolina, one hour away, is time consuming. We have also traveled to different events: our annual regional conference, Carol to Florida, to assist Katy with the birth of our first granddaughter, and a recent trip to Fortaleza to visit friends and submit our Brazilian IRS documents.

Thank you for your prayers regarding safety on the roads and internet access. We completed our weeks of filling in at the congregation three hours away. For now, a pastor in that area, plus seminary students are assuming that small work. We were finally able this month to get internet access that will allow us the speed to accomplish our business transactions, and even visit family members through Skype.

We have begun to record sermons by pastors that have a gift for communicating with the interior folk. We hope to put together some video programs to use in interior communities. We have visited two preaching points and will visit more in the near future.

The church of Casa Nova has a small congregation work across town in a poor neighborhood called New horizon, near the dump. It reminds us of the neighborhood congregation we helped in years ago during our 1993-1994 short-term service in Fortaleza. Both started as a children’s work. There is a small facility available. Currently, 80-100 children come each Saturday afternoon for a program. Sunday afternoons, about 25 children and a handful of adults come out for a Bible study.

It became evident that a large percentage of the children and adults did not know how to read or were way below their age-related levels. Carol developed an informal tutoring class three days a week, morning and afternoons. About 15-20 children are attending, and a few young ladies are assisting. Several of the mothers would like to learn to read but they work or care for their children, so no formal class has been developed for them yet.

Most of the families in the community are poor, complicated by problems of alcohol, drugs, and careless choices. It is a very needy community. Many of the folk make a living by sorting through the garbage in the dump. Just this week, street lights were installed to provide illumination at night, so that people will not be so fearful to leave their homes after dark. This could open up an opportunity for an evening Bible study, as workers are available.

We are trying to keep our focus on interior evangelism but there is plenty of need in the New Horizon neighborhood. The members of Light of the World Baptist Church in Fortaleza are beginning to financially support these outreaches in which we are involved.

Education is not the answer to people’s problems but it provides an avenue through which people can learn more about God and His Word. As former educators, it is a ministry close to our hearts. Bruce has been tutoring several young people from the church in science and math. Some of the schools have been on strike, meaning the students are falling behind in the material that should be covered. Bruce is able to help and also to share Scripture with them as a devotional.

We have had numerous opportunities to speak to adults and children through programs of the Casa Nova church, outreaches in the area, and through the camp ministry on Treasure Island.

Items of Praise:
- Safety in our travels
- Financial support through Light of the World Baptist Church in Fortaleza
- Opportunities to share the gospel
- A healthy granddaughter born March 6

Items of Prayer:
- Development of Interior Evangelism outreach
- Direction in assisting the congregation in the New Horizon neighborhood
- Salvation of the lost
- Wisdom for Bruce, elected President of the region for the BMM missionaries for 2012

Though the harvest for this year has dried up and died, the spiritual harvest appears to be great. "Lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest. And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together." John 4.35-36. It is our desire to motivate and train more Brazilian workers to assume the harvesting.

* More pictures can be seen at the option "Photos", the third link at the top of this blog.

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support.

Gratefully yours,
Bruce and Carol Dennis

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Our new challenges

January 19, 2012

Today, we are completing two weeks in Casa Nova, Bahia. You have been praying about this move for months and the Lord gave us a safe, quick, and uneventful trip. The small moving truck made two 1800 kilometer trips to take all our belongings to the rental. Now, we are busy painting and repairing the house and getting settled.

It has been a bit of a culture shock to go from a city of almost 3 million to a little, interior town of about 15,000. Our options have suddenly been considerably limited. One very important one is internet access. Options we thought would be available, are not. Others are too costly. We are still looking. In the meantime, we have been able to tap into someone within wireless distance that gets on from time to time. Would you pray for resolution to this need?

The church here has several small evangelism outreaches going on and at the moment, does not have the leadership to fill each of those. We have been asked to oversee a Bible study preaching point in a city about three hours away. We stay overnight in the rented facilities, make visits on Sunday mornings and have a meeting Sunday afternoon. There are about 13 adults and 8 kids attending regularly. We agreed to fill in until the new Seminary year begins in March, when students will be available to assume the work. We are training a young couple from the church, as they are able to help us. Please pray for our safety on narrow, isolated roads. As the Montanans must vigilantly watch for deer, we must watch for stray donkeys and cows.

Our farewell at Light of the World Baptist took place on January 1. The next week, the church was welcoming the new administrative pastor. This past week, 10 new members were added. We are so pleased to see God’s preparation in moving us on at just the right time.

We have visited one of the preaching points in the interior. We hope to take a month or two just to observe the church members and their activities and begin to pray for laborers to join us in evangelizing beyond the asphalt.

God is at work around the world. It’s encouraging to observe His work in the Casa Nova region. Thank you for your continued prayers. Print or Generate PDF