“But you, Bethlehem, Ephrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth to Me the One to be Ruler in Israel, whose goings forth are from of old, from everlasting.” Micah 5:2
Insignificance: not worth considering, unimportant; lacking weight, position, or influence.
Bethlehem certainly seemed to fit the definition, as did the poor, unknown couple that desperately sought refuge that night for the birth of our Savior. And what could be of less significance than a stable for the birthplace of the Ruler of Israel? That’s often how God works---through the insignificant.
There are times that as missionaries, we get a bit discouraged, feeling that our work is just that, insignificant. But the work isn’t about what we are doing or how we are feeling regarding the results. It has everything to do with what or who God chooses to use to accomplish His purpose.
We are in the process of buying a 10 meter by 20 meter lot (2100 sq. ft.) in the neighborhood of the congregation, next to the local dump. We hope to use this little lot to be more involved with the people in their day to day lives. They are the poor, the manual laborers, the down and outers of this small, interior town. What God will do with this small lot is up to Him. Our prayer and desire for the coming 2013 year is that as we share the message of the Savior with the people of the New Horizon neighborhood, they will not consider the message as unimportant.
You may feel that your part in the ministry here in Brazil is insignificant. But God uses your prayers, support, and interest as He chooses and through it we are greatly blessed and cared for to continue the work.
The Christmas season provides opportunity to reflect on the significance of Christ’s birth. How we rejoice that we can call the everlasting Savior our own! How we desire that many more will be able to do the same.
May the Lord bless you and your loved ones, your gatherings, your church programs, and your moments of meditation on our Savior.
Gratefully yours,
Bruce and Carol Dennis
Baptist Mid-Missions, Northeast Brazil