Ocean reflection

Recently, we returned from ten days in Fortaleza where we participated in two church retreats and did further work on our home while the renters are traveling. The second retreat was for the youth group from Casa Nova, where we presently live. Most of them were seeing the beautiful Atlantic Ocean for the first time.

For more than an hour, the junior high boys were having a great time getting knocked around by the waves. I marveled at their stamina to keep getting up after the waves would send them tumbling head over heels. They laughed and jumped right back in. A couple of verses came to mind. James 1:2-3 states: “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.” When difficulties come into my life, like waves that knock me down, I don’t know that my response is that of the boys to jump up and get right back in there to be knocked down again, nor to get up with such joy. But that is the command. I was convicted and grateful for the Lord to remind me of that through those boys.

As the school year and church activities wind down here in Brazil and people prepare for their two months of summer vacation, attendance at the remaining church programs drops off considerably. We have been making extra visits in the New Horizons neighborhood, reminding children and adults that the Sunday afternoon Bible class will continue. Pray that they will desire to come hear God’s Word.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

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Family Time

November 2, 2012

It was our immense pleasure to be able to fly to the states to take part in the wedding of our youngest son. Bob & Haley were married on September 22, 2012 not far from Santa Clarita, California where they are presently living and working.

While there for three short weeks, we were able to see Bruce's dad for several days, spend a week with Carol's parents in the Seattle area, and have contact with all our children except our son-in-law, Jared, who teaches. We especially enjoyed our granddaughter, Makayla, and talking with Rick & Esther about the upcoming birth of their first son in early January. Grandparenting is the best!

We couldn't pass up the opportunity to have a four generation photo, and a family photo with the lovely bride and groom.

We're back to work in Casa Nova, and thankful to the Lord to be able to serve Him in Brazil.

Gratefully yours,

Bruce & Carol

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